After PTR announcement Battle.Net population increased, alot! And that was incredible, alot of people came back to WarCraft, but after 2 months of literally no communication between the Devs. and the community, alot of people already leaving the game; once again.
The main reason behind this problem is the MatchMaking system being really, really bad. Finding games takes for ever; we are forced to lose games in order to have a chance to get some games.
I dont know why you literally ignore the community, been 2 months of no blue posts related PTR or what are you going to do with it; and thats terrible.
Please, realize that you forgot about WarCraft for over 10 years (Hey, thats what Matt Morris said!); you gave us hope and then you just banish in the Darkness?
The lack of communication is incredible; its funny cause i know you're reading this, and you'll just ignore it, as usual; cause you dont care about what we think; or just dont care about games that give 0 revenue in general; right?